Elasticsearch: Search Camp
Nov 17 2016
A short course in using Elasticsearch 2.x.
- Overview
- Data Modeling Basics Searching
- Suggestions Aggregations
- Advanced Data Modeling Relevancy
- Wrap up
The Elasticsearch documentation is quite good with plenty of examples on how to write queries. Checkout the guide. For this tutorial, we’ll be using kibana. Please install ES 2.4.x and Kibana 4.6.x – see the product compatibility guide for more details.
- Guide https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic search/reference/current/setup.html
- Kibana-appsense http://localhost:5601/app/sense
- Versions-Kibana4.6/Elasticsearch 2.4/Apache Lucene 5.5
The ES provides a REST API for applications to use with the standard semantics associated with the GET, PUT, POST, DELETE methods. Many if not most of the operations support standard set of options and use JSON as the data types such as:
- JSON String, Boolean, Number, …
- Time types: Time Type – 10y := 10 years. Also do date math e.g now-1d
- Distance Types: 25mi := 25 miles
- Size Types: 25mb := 25 Megabytes
As expected, these REST APIS make use of the standard response codes 200, 201, 404, 500 to represent operation success, resource created, resource not found and server error.
The APIS fall into:
- Document Store APIs i.e. APIs that provide CRUD operations for storing Documents in Elasticsearch.
- Search APIs for finding relevant documents.
- There are APIs for bulk operations as well.
- Other APIs include aggregation support, completion or suggestions and management APIs.
Data Modeling Basics
Elasticsearch provides a NOSQL document store similar to something like mongo. Documents are uploaded to this store and indexed for subsequent querying. The ES document store does not support transactions, however a single request’s modification of an ES document is atomic.
While modifications to documents in the document store happens effiectively synchronously, indexing is an asynchronous process and it may take some time before a modified document appears in the search results.
An elasticsearch document is
- JSON document
- Flat data structure
- Key/Value pairs
- Support Data Types
CRUD – Lab
Direct installation
#See install elasticsearch 2.4 and start it. # install kibana 4.6 and run it. # download the sample account data from ES and extract the # accounts.json file and place it in your camp working folder. # download and save elasticsearchCampLoadData.sh to the # same folder as the accounts.json data file. Then in a console $ bash ./elasticsearchCampLoadData.sh # Finally goto http://localhost:5601/app/sense and # play with the examples here.
Instead of installing the images, you might want to use docker instead
docker pull elasticsearch:2.4.6 docker pull kibana:4.6 docker run -d --name my-es -v "$PWD/esdata" -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 elasticsearch:2.4.6 docker run -d --name my-kibana -v "$PWD/plugins:/plugins" -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://$(hostname):9200 -p 5601:5601 kibana:4.6.6 --plugins /plugins docker exec my-kibana kibana plugin --install elastic/sense docker stop my-kibana docker start my-kibana # open browser to http://localhost:5601/app/sense # install kibana 4.6 and run it. # download the sample account data from ES and extract the # accounts.json file and place it in your camp working folder. # then in the same folder, run curl as follows: curl >/dev/null --fail --silent --show-error -s -XPOST "localhost:9200/bank/account/_bulk" --data-binary "@accounts.json" # WARNING! You'll need to change the server URL in the app sense # console to be http://{hostname}:9200 instead of http://localhost:9200
# install docker compose # download the elasticsearchCamp-docker-compose.yml and save it to a directory and rename it to docker-compose.yml # execute the following: docker-compose up -d docker-compose run kibana kibana plugin --install elastic/sense docker-compose restart # WARNING! You'll need to change the server URL in the app sense # console to be http://elasticsearch:9200 instead of http://localhost:9200
Additional Data
In addition to the accounts we’ve preloaded, let’s add some extra data:
POST bank/account/_bulk { "index" : { "_id" : "2001" } } {"account_number":2001,"balance":38395,"firstname":"Gay","lastname":"Case","age":57,"gender":"F","address":"1343 Loop Mountain Avenue","employer":"University of Missouri","email":"gay@um.com","city":"Columbia","state":"MO"} { "index" : { "_id" : "2002" } } {"account_number":2002,"balance":405,"firstname":"Marcie Gay","lastname":"Masterston","age":30,"gender":"M","address":"443 Marshal Fieldington Avenue","employer":"Packbell", "email":"marcie.gay.masterston@pacbell.com","city":"Colinas","state":"CA"} { "index" : { "_id" : "2003" } } {"account_number":2003,"balance":72370,"firstname":"Gay","lastname":"Reddy","age":43,"gender":"M","address":"150 Oakbridge Avenue","employer":"University of California","email":"gay.reddy@ucsf.com","city":"Palo Alto","state":"CA"} { "index" : { "_id" : "2004" } } {"account_number":2004,"balance":15270,"firstname":"Mike","lastname":"Martin","age":42,"gender":"M","address":"22157 Mighty bridge Avenue","employer":"University of California","email":"mike.martin@ucsf.com","city":"Palo Alto","state":"CA"}
Document Types
Keep the following in mind when defining ES document types within an index:
- Property definitions must be consistent within single index
- All types in one index stored in a single Lucene schema.
- Implies either single type (or only related data) in one Index
- Document Property types have either explicitly defined or automatically assigned mapping types.
- JSON types: String, Numeric, Boolean, Arrays
- Object Types: Object, Nested, Parent/Child
- Geo: Point & Shape
- Completion
- Other: IPv4, TokenCount, …
Predefined properties for all Documents
Property Name | Default Behavior | Description |
_id | mandatory | Document id |
_index | mandatory | The index name |
_type | mandatory | The document type |
_version | mandatory | The version number. This is auto-incremented upon each modification |
_source | optional. Default is enabled | if enabled, then the original JSON document that was indexed will be stored |
_all | optional. Default is enabled | if enabled, makes all the values in JSON document available in a special _all field |
Index and CRUD Operations
Index, Re-Index
You use PUT to both create and modify a document in the document store. In both cases you must supply the document id. If you prefer to have ES assign the document id during creation, you can use POST instead of PUT to create the document.NOTE:
PUT my_index/my_type/1 { "message": "some arrays in this document...", "tags": [ "elasticsearch", "wow" ], "lists": [ { "name": "prog_list", "description": "programming list" }, { "name": "cool_list", "description": "cool stuff list" } ... ] }
NOTE: You can use POST if you want ES to allocate the id
${METHOD} ${IndexName}/${DocType}/${id} ${JSON-Document}
curl -X{METHOD} “http://localhost:9200/${IndexName}/${DocType}/${id}” -d "${JSON-Document}"
Other examples:
GET my_index/my_type/1
DELETE (status 200 Deleted 404 Notfound)
DELETE my_index/my_type/1
Multiple Searches
Elasticsearch supports passing multiple search requests in one HTTP request. See multi-search.
POST .kibana/_msearch {"index" : "bank"} {"query" : {"match_all" : {}}, "from" : 0, "size" : 10} {"index" : "bank", "search_type" : "dfs_query_then_fetch"} {"query" : {"match_all" : {}}} {} {"query" : {"match_all" : {}}} {"query" : {"match_all" : {}}} {"search_type" : "dfs_query_then_fetch"} {"query" : {"match_all" : {}}}
Useful to perform 2 queries, say one to get normal results and another to get ancillary results.
Elasticsearch supports external versioning, that is passing the version number in separately from the document itself. e.g.
# create the doc
PUT twitter/tweet/1
“message” : “elasticsearch now has versioning support, double cool!”
# now change it supplying the wrong version:
PUT twitter/tweet/1?version=2 { "message" : "elasticsearch now has versioning support, double cool!" }
The value provided must be a numeric, long value greater or equal to 0, and less than around 9.2e+18. More details can be found here.
- Use _create to implement the “create if not exists” semantic.
- Use a routing parameter for collocating objects in the same shard. This is required for parent/child documents. All child documents must be collocated in the same shard as their parent.
- A GET operation to retrieve the actual document is available as soon as the initial PUT completes, but the document will take a bit to show up in search. That is, analyzing the document and updating the indices for full text search is done asynchronously.
- Can control what is returned in GET using _source parameter
- Can use scripts when updating docs
Warning: aggregations and query DSL preferred mechanisms - _update to ensure document is already there
- Also have MGET API
Elasticsearch is all about full text searching. To allow searching, ES indexes
each JSON document which means creating several inverted indexes for all the
documents in a shard. Inverted Index contains a “term” with a list of tuples
(doc id, field, num-times, and array of (term-position, start- char-pos, end-char-pos, ...))
There is also a distributed data structure containing: (term, num-docs having the term)
When performing a search, a “query” (free format text) is “analyzed” for “terms”. That is, ES takes a string and determines zero or more terms to look for in its Inverted Indices. ES uses one or more Inverted Indices to get a list of documents.
1. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
2. Quick brown foxes leap over lazy dogs in summer
Term | Doc-1 | Doc-2 |
brown | x | x |
quick | x |
We’d like to treat Quick the same as quick and perhaps treat foxes the same as fox. To do so, we need to change the way ES “analyzes” the document and the query. ES uses analyzers to split text into Terms. An analyzer consists of:
- Some Character filter(s) – throws away unwanted chars (e.g. html_strip)
- A Tokenizer – splits the string into separate tokens (tricky for some Asian languages)
- Some Token filter(s) – these modify the tokens removing (stop words), (stemming), augments (synonyms, ngram), lowercasing, …
Analyzers – Lab
Goto http://localhost:5601/app/sense
GET /_analyze { "analyzer" : "standard", "text" : "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs." }
Try these analyzers as well and see how they breakdown the text:
- “simple”
- “standard”
- “whitespace”
- “english”
Analyzers – Lab
Create a custom analyzer
PUT another_index { "settings" : { "analysis" : { "analyzer" : { "camp_analyzer" : { "tokenizer" : "whitespace", "filter" : [ "lowercase", "stop", "snowball" ] } } } } }
With our new analyzer, we can see how it parses our text:
GET another_index/_analyze { "analyzer": "camp_analyzer", "text": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs." }
One thing to note about token filters, they can add multiple tokens each having the same position. E.g the synonym filter injects synonyms having the same term positions as the origina. This is written like:
leaping => (leap, jump, leaping)
Name | Description |
mapping | Provide a set of mappings to translate characters to others |
html_strip | remove html |
pattern_replace | regular expressions to do match/replace |
Name | Description |
standard | Grammar based tokenizer (works well for European language documents) (implements Unicode Standard Annex #29 ) |
nGram | creates tokens from substrings of original token |
edgeNGram | like ngram |
keyword | Just emits whole token unchanged |
whitespace | breaks at white space |
pattern | takes a regular expression |
custom | use a custom java class to implement |
Name | Description |
standard | nothing |
asciifolding | convert non-ascii to ascii if possible |
lowercase | to lower |
stop | Remove stop words |
snowball | algorithmic stemmer |
phonetic | phonetic |
Often, we want text analyzed in multiple ways to facilitate matching and relevance scoring. After the terms are calculated, ES scores docs according to how best they match. These are ranking models:
- Classic similarity (default for 2.x)
- BM25 similarity (default for 5.x)
Both the classic and BM25 similarity algorithms are based on TF/IDF (term frequency x inverse document frequency). The basic idea is that a document is considered more relevant the more times that term appears in it. However, it looses score if that term is very common – that is the more times that term appears in all other documents, the less weight it has in relevancy.
When data is indexed, ES tries to guess the type of data. If it knows the type, it can handle say:
- dates different from keywords,
- keywords different from english text
- english text different from numbers
We can specify mappings before adding data. If not, ES will guess for us. Using the below in the sense app, see what indexes have been created and take a look at the mappings for bank.
GET _cat/indices
GET bank/_mapping
PUT blogs { "mappings": { "user": { "_all": { "enabled": false }, "properties": { "title": { "type": "string" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "age": { "type": "integer" } } }, "blogpost": { "properties": { "title": { "type": "string" }, "body": { "type": "string" }, "user_id": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" }, "created": { "type": "date", "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis" } } } } }
We can specify an analyzer to use when “indexing” and another to use when “searching”. Further, we can use multi-field specification to have the same text analyzed in several different ways. Finally, can have text not_analyzed.
Multi-field Lab
Create an explicit mapping for my_type.city and provide a multi-field raw field that is not analyzed.
PUT /yetanother_index { "mappings": { "my_type": { "properties": { "city": { "type": "string", "fields": { "raw": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" } } } } } } }
Let’s index 2 docs. This one:
PUT /yetanother_index/my_type/1 { "city": "New York" }
And this one:
PUT /yetanother_index/my_type/2 { "city": "York" }
Finally, let’s try out a search
GET /yetanother_index/_search { "query": { "match": { "city": "york" } }, "sort": { "city.raw": "asc" }, "aggs": { "Cities": { "terms": { "field": "city.raw" } } } }
When searching, you can use a URI based (query_string) search request or pass in the request body a JSON document that uses the QueryDSL syntax. Query DSL is recommended over the URI approach. For more info on the URI based approach, see
the search-uril-requests entry
Checkout the searchDSL and Query DSL info
Note the below has both a query and a filter.
GET bank/_search?pretty { "query": { "bool" : { "should" : { "match": { "firstname" : "Gay" } }, "minimum_should_match" : 1, "filter" : { "match" : { "gender" : "F" } } } } }
HTTP GET Requests with a body?
While allowed by the standards, not all HTTP clients allow you to pass a body in an HTTP GET so ES allows you to use a POST instead of a GET for searching.
Search requests can take parameters to specify a timeout. NOTE: ES continues processing the request, it just returns a response to the client when the timeout occurs.
(see circuit breakers )
Types of Queries
GET bank/_search { "query": { "match_all" : {} } }
GET bank/_search { "query": { "match": { "address" : { "query" : "Cumberland" } } } }
match with the _all field
GET bank/_search { "query": { "match": { "_all" : "Gay Brewer" } } }
match with fuzziness
GET bank/_search { "query": { "match": { "_all" : { "query" : "Gay Brower", "fuzziness": 1 } } } }
multi_match with boosting
GET bank/_search { "query": { "multi_match": { "type" : "best_fields", "query" : "Gay", "fields": [ "firstname", "lastname^10", "address"] } } }
Try switching the boosting to firstname instead
multi_match types
- best_fields – use the score for the best matching field
- most_fields – combine the scores for all the fields – treat as increasing relevance
- cross_fields – essentially treat the fields (the ones with the same analyzer) as being one field
match phrase
GET bank/_search { "query": { "match_phrase": { "address": "375 Cumberland Street" } } }
GET bank/_search { "query": { "match_phrase": { "address": { "query" : "722 Street", "slop" : 1 } } } }
GET bank/_search { "size": 40, "query": { "simple_query_string" : { "query": "(Mike | Michael)", "analyzer": "standard", "fields": ["firstname^5","_all"], "default_operator": "and" } } }
WARNING: avoid query_string
GET bank/_search { "size" : 200, "query": { "more_like_this" : { "fields" : ["firstname", "lastname"], "like" : "Michael", "min_term_freq" : 1, "max_query_terms" : 12 } } }
We can specify a filter in addition to a query
GET bank/_search { "query": { "bool" : { "should" : { "match": { "firstname" : "Gay" } }, "minimum_should_match" : 1, "filter" : { "match" : { "gender" : "F" } } } } }
Query and Filter Contexts
Use the same DSL in queries and in filters
The difference between a “query” and a “filter” is that queries are scored and filters are not. Filters can be cached
We can specify an analyzer in the query
GET bank/account/_search?pretty { "query": { "bool" : { "should" : { "match": { "firstname" : { "query" : "Gay", "analyzer" : "english" } } }, "minimum_should_match" : 1, "filter" : { "match" : { "gender" : "F" } } } } } # note nothing was found. See how the english analyzer tokenies our query GET _analyze { "analyzer":"english", "text": "Fredericks" } # what happens if we change the analyzer?
Control the size and starting offset
GET bank/_search { "size": 8, "from": 11, "query": { "match_all" : {} } }
source filtering
GET bank/_search { "query": { "match_all" : {} }, "_source": ["firstname", "gender"] }
GET bank/_search { "query": { "match_all" : {} }, "_source": false }
range query/filter
GET bank/_search { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "range": { "age": { "lte": 40 } } } ] } } }
you can also use dates. Assuming that you had a date field. e.g.
GET mydata/_search { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "range": { "start_date": { "lte": "2015-01-01" } } } ] } } }
You can use ‘now’ for the current time and do date math if needed.
GET mydata/_search { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "range": { "start_date": { "lte": "now-1y" } } } ] } } }
GET bank/_search { "profile": true, "query": { "match_all" : {} } }
Suggestions and Aggregations”
See you complete me. WARNING suggestions have changed in ES 5.x.
Why treat suggestions different than search? In short:
GET myindex/mydoctype/_mapping This returns: { "myindex": { "mappings": { "mydoctype": { "properties": { "mytype_suggest": { "type": "completion", "analyzer": "simple", "payloads": false, "preserve_separators": true, "preserve_position_increments": true, "max_input_length": 50 }, ...
We can either upload a field called mytype_suggest or we can populate it from another field using copy_to
{ "myindex": { "mappings": { "mytype": { "properties": { "mytype_name": { "type": "string", "copy_to": [ "mytype_suggest" ] }, "mytype_suggest": { "type": "completion", "analyzer": "simple", "payloads": false, "preserve_separators": true, "preserve_position_increments": true, "max_input_length": 50 }, ...
To get a suggestion for a single document type:
GET myindex/_suggest { "text" : "San", "myindex" : { "completion" : { "field" : "mytype_suggest" } } }
To get suggestions for several document types:
GET myindex/_suggest { "text" : "San", "mytype" : { "completion" : { "field" : "mytype_suggest" } }, "anothertype" : { "completion" : { "field" : "anothertype_suggest" } } }
There is some very basic support for filtering suggestions, see the suggester-context entry. Context suggest allows setting up contexts to help filter suggestions. This is not as flexible as search, but it is much faster than doing a full text search.
Suggestions – Payloads
Without doing anything, all that is returned is a string. At time of indexing, you can give a payload. First, need a mapping that allows payloads:
PUT bank/location/_mapping { "location" : { "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string" }, "loc_suggest" : { "type" : "completion", "analyzer" : "simple", "payloads" : true } } } }
Next, when indexing, provide a payload
PUT bank/location/1 { "name" : "One Embarcadero Center, San Francisco", "loc_suggest" : { "input" : [ "Embarcadero One", "One Embarcadero", "San Francisco", "SF" ], "output" : "One Embarcadero Center, San Francisco", "payload" : { "location_id" : 1 } } }
Check what is returned
GET bank/_suggest { "text" : "emb", "locations" : { "completion" : { "field" : "loc_suggest" } } }
Aggregations are useful for getting an overview of what data is available. Aggs provide the following functionality:
- Aggs create Buckets (groups of documents)
- Can have metrics applied on bucket
- Can nest aggregations
For one way to expose aggregations, see Etsy
- Terms
- Significant Terms
- Children
- Nested
- Count
- Sum
- Avg, Max, Min
- Stats
- Percentiles
- Geo bounds
To enable Aggregations, ES uses a different data structure than its inverted indices. Instead of looking up docs based on values, it has another mechanism of looking up values (and their associated doc ids) based on the field. This is the column store.
This column store is saved to disk and is referred to as the “doc-values”.
Terms Aggregation
GET bank/_search { "size" : 0, "query": { "bool" : { "should" : { "match": { "firstname" : "Michael" } }, "minimum_should_match" : 1, "filter" : { "match" : { "gender" : "M" } } } }, "aggs": { "employers": { "terms": { "field": "employer", "size": 10 } } } }
Buckets in the TERMS aggregation are formed using unique values.
The search query will return the top number of TERMs for all the documents matching the query.
Significant Terms Aggregation
GET myindex/_search { "size" : 0, "query": { "bool" : { "should" : { "match": { "mytype_name" : "Mary" } }, "minimum_should_match" : 1, "filter" : { "match" : { "mytype_gender" : "F" } } } }, "aggs": { "specialties": { "significant_terms": { "field": "specialties", "size": 10 } } } }
Buckets in the SIGNIFICANT TERMS aggregation are formed using unique values that are common for the filtered group but not common in the whole set of documents.
Known as the uncommonly common aggregation
Advanced Data Modeling
ES recommends that while considering your data model, you define questions that you want to ask. E.g.
- Show me posts sorted by number of comments.
- What queries have been performed by users in SF?
- What widgets with these dohickies and belonging to this whatamacallit are available?
Other considerations:
- Nested Objects to facilitate certain subqueries.
- Parent Child to facilitate certain subqueries.
- Routing
- Include_in_all
- copy_to
- store
- _all
- dynamic field mappings
- index templates
- geo points and geo shapes
- limitation to nested object depth
Nested Objects
The ES Guide has some good examples for why to use nested objects.
If a JSON document has an array of sub-objects, the values get flattened. We can tell ES to preserve the object structure by marking a property as being nested.
ES will keep nested sub-objects in their own separate documents so that search works as expected.
Parent Child
ES allows a parent child relationship to be setup. This is a 1-N relationship.
Both the parent and its children must reside in the same shard. Can use children to find parents, to boost relevance etc and vice-versa.
relevancy discussion. Relevancy can be tuned using the following:
- Boost particular fields
- Using compound query clauses
within should to increase relevance
- Using scripts to modify scoring
- Changing the similarity algorithm
Wrap up
This is a framework for allowing users to register queries and get notifications when new documents match against the query.
Can cause ES to return text that resulted in the match back to the caller. ES will annotate the text with HTML to emphasize the matching values.
Scroll And Reindex
ES provides a way to iterate over all the documents in an index if needed.
NOTE: there is a reindex API that replaces most usages of ScrollJava Clients
ES 2.4 does not have a Java REST client although many companies are using JEST, however ES 5.0 has its own java REST client. Using REST is preferred over the Node or Transport client.
Elasticsearch Links
- Discussion Forums – https://discuss.elastic.co
- Meetups – https://elasticsearch.meetup.com
- Docs – https://elastic.co/docs
- Community – https://elastic.co/community
- More Resources – https://www.elastic.co/learn
Data Models : Sample MyType
{ "mytype_id" : 15603176, "document_type" : "mytype", "mytype_type" : "P", "mytype_friendly_name" : "Katz, Ben Z., MD", "mytype_first_name" : "Ben", "mytype_gender" : "M", "mytype_initials" : "Z", "mytype_last_name" : "Katz", "lat_lon" : [ "41.93,-87.65", "41.90,-87.62" ], "mytype_school" : "New York Univ Sch Of Med", "mytype_name" : "Katz, Ben Z., MD", "mytype_states" : [ "IL" ] }
Search query
curl -XGET '' -d ' { "size": 20, "query" : { "bool" : { "should" : { "match": { "mytype_name" : "z" } }, "minimum_should_match" : 1, "filter" : { "bool" : { "must" : [ { "geo_distance": { "distance": "1km", "mytype_lat_lon": { "lat": 41.93, "lon": -87.65 } } }, { "terms" : { "mytype_states": [ "CA", "NV" ] } } ] } } } } }'